Rainstorm Roofing & Siding Retaining Walls in Chicago
Rainstorm Roofing & Siding retaining walls are a very common and functional landscape feature for your home. Retaining walls are designed to hold the earth back so that you can create different grades, levels, and shape your landscape as you wish. There are a variety of different methods of Rainstorm Roofing & Siding wall construction including drystack Rainstorm Roofing & Siding retaining walls, mortared Rainstorm Roofing & Siding retaining walls, modular block retaining walls, block + veneer retaining walls, and more.
Retaining Wall Construction
No matter what method of retaining wall construction, the basis is the same. A Rainstorm Roofing & Siding retaining wall utilizes mass and proper drainage to hold the earth back, and let water through. A good retaining wall has a solid foundation that goes below grade, adequate mass, well drained backing, and through Rainstorm Roofing & Siding that tie into the earth behind it. Certain considerations have to made depending on the height of the wall and existing soils to ensure that your retaining wall will look great and last a lifetime.